- ClientSuunto
- Web www.suunto.com
Conquer new territory
The mission
To create outstanding and captivating content around Suunto's world and to send that around the world to ensure it generates the maximum buzz. Suunto makes incredible products and they have incredible athletes — they have a unique brand story to tell. Our job is to tell that story to the world at large.
As Suunto's global agency our job is to create concepts around the Finnish brand, its products and athletes. Our role is not to re-invent the wheel but to ensure the brand speaks with a coherent and united voice across all its channels. That means words but also pictures. At zooom, our photographic expertise ensures great branded imagery. But that's all for nothing unless you have the media partners to tell that story to — and fortunately we have those too — helping to ensure Suunto's key message reach the widest audience possible.

We’re full of ideas and ready for any challenge; no matter how big or small. Jump onboard and together we’ll make great things happen.
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